About Us

Joy has been a lifelong sewer and piecing quilts for over 25 years. Her grandmother taught her how to embroider at the age of 4 and made gifts of handmade quilts to all her children and grandchildren. Her mother taught her clothes making at the age of 10 and she designed and sewed most of her clothes from her teens through our early years of marriage. She began piecing quilts and quilting with her domestic machine in her early 20’s and has over 40 years of "practice".
Mark is an engineer by training and has admired the intricacy of quilts for years (and Joy’s “fabric stash”). He began his piecing and longarm quilting in 2010 and in his ten years of piecing has grown to love paper piecing and has multiple ribbons for his quilts. His hobbies throughout our life include woodworking, car building and home improvement projects.
We both love to create things with our hands and hearts. We both participate in several continuing education quilting conventions each year to continually improve our skills by learning new techniques, exploring latest tools, materials and processes and incorporating them into our partnership, Stitches of Joy Quilting.
Your quilts will ultimately benefit from our level of interest to always improve. Opening this long arm business has truly been a dream fulfilled for us and we look forward to sharing our passion for this industry with you.